I found a diagram for the Case 3 procedure. It's pretty much like what we're used to in the Hornet and Tomcat. Marshall starts at 21nm and 6,000 feet, 22 and 7, 23 and 8 etc, etc. The legs for the holding are 10nm long, which seems excessive to me but whatever.
Just like the Hornet, we will commence and make our approach at 250 kts, call "Platform" at 5,000'. Not sure what "Minute To Live" rule is but it sounds ominus!
We'll level off at 1,200' and 12nm out and call that "Gate". This means you've got to lose 4,800' in not less than 9nm at 250 kts. I'll be the first to admit that math is not one of my strengths but I will bet you that this maneuver will result in a fairly healthy rate of descent - and the faster you go, the higher the rate of descent will need to be if you're going to be at the gate within parameters.
The Final Approach Fix (FAF) is 5nm out at 1,200' and at that point we should have our gear down, flaps set to STOL (I would bet) and nozels set to 50 degrees.
At 2nm you should have 60 degrees of nozel.
"Hover Stop" is that term indicating that you are at a nozel angle of 82 degrees. The "SPOT__" most likely is the place on the deck Paddles wants you to land.