If you'll recall from the video, the altitudes go from 300' for the Helos, 500' for Departures, 600' for the Landing pattern, 800' for the Break, 1200' for the Spin, and then 2000' for Showtime, 3000' for Hammer, 4000' for Vicious and 5000' for Shakedown. If your lead or the Air Boss or whomever tells you to rendezvous at Hammer, is that sufficient for your instructions? You would go straight out at 500' and 300 kts until 7nm from the boat. Then start a climbing left turn to the recipricol of the BRC, leveling off at 3000' and decelerating to 250 kts. Just for everybody's SA, it might not be a bad idea for you to announce that you are, "Hammer at point 3" once you pass abeam the boat and begin your turn to the left. I have practiced this a couple of times today and found that with the ATC, BARALT engaged at 250 and rolled into a 30 degree bank, it brings me right around to the starboard side of the boat with the nose crossing through the BRC. I was about 4nm abeam the ship at point 3. So, when #2 comes along and hits point 3, he would call out, "Sparky at Hammer point 3" and should be looking for lead out in front to the left. As soon as he has him in sight, cut the circle and effect a join up.
Assuming we have multiple flights to launch (Yeah, as IF!!), my suggestion would be for the first flight off to go to the higher stack. i.e. if there are 3 flights, the first one would go to Vicious, the second would go to Hammer and the last one off would go to Showtime. For some reason, this just seems the best way to deconflict us when departing the stack to wherever we're headed. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.