Did you know that it requires no less than 7 switch/handle actions to SUCCESSFULLY deliver a bomb to the surface of the earth? These are what I have found are necessary to get a bomb off the rack and to actually explode upon contact with the ground;
1. Although this first couple could be considered optional, Cover for Guns and Camera switch - LIFT
2. Guns and Camera switch - ON
3. Bomb/Tank and Rockets selector switch - Bomb/Tank
4. Bomb and Tank Release selector switch for selected station - ON
5. Bomb/Tank/Rocket switch cover - LIFT
6. Bomb/Tank/Rocket switch - READY
7. Bomb Arm/Safe handles for selected station - Turn/Pull/Turn
It more complicated than setting up the radar page in the Hornet!!
Now, if I could just figure out how to actually hit a target, all that work in the cockpit might be rewarded!