Ya I can help out. I should hopefully be around in the evening most nights this week; but still On-Call for work until Friday...
My monitor config lua script can be downloaded here:
DISABLE FULL SCREEN IN DCS2) Do the math on your monitor config. You need to add up the total space of your monitors combined together for your DCS views. With both my main monitor and the MFD monitor being 1920x1080 that made this fairly simple. Total screen space 3840x1080, this is what you set your resolution to in DCS (you will most likely need to manually type this in to the DCS options). You are basically giving DCS a huge space of both monitors to display it's "views" in, then you define smaller windows within that area.
3) Edit your monitor config file (MAKE BACKUP COPIES BEFORE EDITING!). These are located at
\DCS World OpenBeta\Config\MonitorSetup\
I tried to show how I did the math on my setup here (sorry I should have picked a better txt color):
https://imgur.com/a/TrsInI'm starting the
Center view (my main monitor) at X=1920 (Y=0 will be used most of the time, this is the top of the screen). So I'm telling the system start my main view 1920 pixels from the left. Then the view window is the entire size of the monitor 1920x1080.
I tell it to start the
LEFT_MFCD in the upper left corner (X=0, Y=0)
I tell it to start the
RIGHT_MFCD 1070 pixels from the left corner (X=1070, Y=0); for this one I just had to keep playing with the value until I found something that worked well for the spacing. Old guides may tell you that you can edit this file while the game is running, but I had to restart DCS for each change.
The size of the MFDs is set to 840x840, which seemed to be a good size for the MFDs.
Might still tweak all those numbers a bit as i play with things.