I actually go to the keyboard to set up Gunners. I have a switch on the HOTAS that will toggle the AI window on/off so I can see what the gunners/CoPilot are set to. Then I added the key bindings to the keyboard to change from return fire to free fire or hold. I also have on the Hotas a toggle that will Open/Close Gunners Doors. When Doors are shut and reopened the Gunners will be on Hold.
I just assign these keys behind default combinations so that I just have a single key press.
My settings panel looks like this ex- AI Left Burst Switch ||| LShift + 3; Q |||
Left Gunner - Return Fire/Burs = Q
Left Gunner - Freefire/Iterate = A
CoPilot/Operator - Return Fire/Burst = W
CoPilot/Operator - Freefire/Iterate= S
Right Gunner - Return Fire/Burst = E
Right Gunner - Freefire/Iterate = D
As you will see on the keyboard that these keys basically correspond to the AI's position in cockpit- of Left Q,A - Center W,S - Right E,D. This way I am less apt to get confused... LOL...