Hey all,
so Ted asked me to do this for y'all... got my screencaps after doubly making sure how it works, and here ya go!
TIME TO GET RID OF THE POLKA MENU MUSIC!!step one, find your "SAMPLES" folder in your IL-2 game:

step two, select "MUSIC"

step three, add new song to the list, this must be in .wav format... and a bunch of other little details too. If it's from M4T, it WILL WORK. If it's not, send it my way. I have a file editor that'll swap it out and make it work ;)

stepp four, RENAME TO "ru.wav"

go ahead and select "yes"
step five, DELETE OLD "ru.wav" file, and RE-EDIT new "ru (2).wav" to "ru.wav"


and you should be good to go.
Basically, each one of those files is named after a particular nation. The first nation played, is of course, "Russia's." Hence the Polka music.
I now have
"1941" as my start-up/main menu music (aka the ru.wav file)
"Bah Bah Blacksheep" as my US main menu music (aka the us.wav file)
"Scotland the Brave" for my British Empire groups.
works like a charm.
Also, if there's a radio station set in-game, like Ted's "Radio Honolulu" I can basically change channels as it were between that radio station, and my own taken from the "In Flight" or "Takeoff" folders. I have Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington as my take-off track ;)
if anyone has questions, send em my way. It really is actually that simple. You just rename a .wav file to whatever nation you want it. And you're good to go.
here's links too, to my Flickr album if for whatever reason these embeds don't work