Author Topic: getting rid of the polka intro ;)  (Read 1735 times)

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getting rid of the polka intro ;)
« on: September 08, 2015, 04:17:24 AM »
Hey all,

so Ted asked me to do this for y'all... got my screencaps after doubly making sure how it works, and here ya go!  :grin:


step one, find your "SAMPLES" folder in your IL-2 game:

step two, select "MUSIC"

step three, add new song to the list, this must be in .wav format... and a bunch of other little details too.  If it's from M4T, it WILL WORK.  If it's not, send it my way.  I have a file editor that'll swap it out and make it work ;)

stepp four, RENAME TO "ru.wav"

go ahead and select "yes"

step five, DELETE OLD "ru.wav" file, and RE-EDIT new "ru (2).wav" to "ru.wav"


and you should be good to go.

Basically, each one of those files is named after a particular nation.  The first nation played, is of course, "Russia's."  Hence the Polka music. 

I now have
"1941" as my start-up/main menu music (aka the ru.wav file)
"Bah Bah Blacksheep" as my US main menu music (aka the us.wav file)
"Scotland the Brave" for my British Empire groups.

works like a charm.

Also, if there's a radio station set in-game, like Ted's "Radio Honolulu" I can basically change channels as it were between that radio station, and my own taken from the "In Flight" or "Takeoff" folders.  I have Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington as my take-off track ;)

if anyone has questions, send em my way.  It really is actually that simple.  You just rename a .wav file to whatever nation you want it.  And you're good to go.

here's links too, to my Flickr album if for whatever reason these embeds don't work

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Re: getting rid of the polka intro ;)
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2015, 04:16:32 PM »
Thanks. My fix was to uncheck Music and Intro.
Air Group 51 Commanding Officer (RET)

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Re: getting rid of the polka intro ;)
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2015, 06:42:39 PM »
lol that works too  :thumbsup:

it's just now with Ted including radio towers, Sandhog was dying last week listening to the polka music.   :grin:

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Re: getting rid of the polka intro ;)
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2015, 07:54:37 PM »
Nevermind, got it...Thanks!
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 08:51:49 PM by AG-51_Ted »