Author Topic: Case I Tips  (Read 748 times)

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Offline AG-51_Razor

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Case I Tips
« on: September 11, 2019, 06:18:10 PM »
I got this off the ED forum:

Hook down in the port hold, no less than 2,000 ft
Push out of Spot 3 on the Reciprocal BRC +30 Degrees.
Accelerate to 350 kts / Descend to 1,200 FT and level off.
At 300+ kts, sweep wings to 68°
you are looking for 8.0nm DME on the HSD.
At 8nm DME, bank left at 30° and being your decent to 800 ft. Usually 200 FPM descent will do just fine.
MAINTAIN 350 kts and a 30° bank angle or you will swing way wide on starboard or short to port
Use your HSD, TACAN and CRS line to get yourself lined up. Use your instruments, it's what they are there for.
Roll out just to the right of the ship on the BRC.
Call Initial at 3nm

This will get you in line every time. There is a reason this is the way things are done.

After Trap:
Speed brake and DLC come in since you went to MIL power on touch down
Once stopped and slightly pulled back, Throttles to idle then Hook up
flaps up
wings Bomb mode, Enable NWS
Turn right to the six pack / street
While doing that, the wing sweep cover is coming up and I am lifting the Emerg. sweep handle to prepare for over sweep. Once ready, wings go into over sweep.
head to the Corral, get de-armed.
then taxi to parking.

Any pilot that tells you he's never been lost is either lying or he's never been anywhere.