A guy on the ED forums gave me a fix for adding the FlIR and LTD/R switch to be able to bind them. He said he put them in the "Joystick" folder but that didn't allow me to bind keys so I also added it to the "Keyboard" folder. First thing I found was that you cannot use a modifier because you need to use the "Toggle" option instead of the "press and release" option in voiceattack, If you use a modifier AND the Toggle option voiceattack will not execute another command until you Untoggle the FLIR or LTD/R switch's. So I found 3 unused keys in my controls (Q, P and J for me). I used the Q key for the command "Targeting Pod" and it will toggle between on and Standby with each command and I used P for command "L T D Arm" and J for command "L T D Aft" to toggle them between On and Standby. Everything below is his post
DIY solution is to add these lines to the Mods/aircraft/FA-18C/Input/FA-18C/joystick/default.lua after the "join(res.keyCommands,{" line.
{ down = tgp_commands.Flir, up = tgp_commands.Flir, cockpit_device_id = devices.TGP_INTERFACE, value_down = 1.0, value_up= 0.0, name = _('FLIR Switch ON/STBY'), category = {_('TGP')}},
{ down = tgp_commands.Flir, up = tgp_commands.Flir, cockpit_device_id = devices.TGP_INTERFACE, value_down = -1.0, value_up= 0.0, name = _('FLIR Switch OFF/STBY'), category = {_('TGP')}},
{ down = tgp_commands.Ltdr, up = tgp_commands.Ltdr, cockpit_device_id = devices.TGP_INTERFACE, value_down = 1.0, value_up= 0.0, name = _('LTD/R Switch ARM/SAFE'), category = {_('TGP')}},
{ down = tgp_commands.Ltdr, up = tgp_commands.Ltdr, cockpit_device_id = devices.TGP_INTERFACE, value_down = -1.0, value_up= 0.0, name = _('LTD/R Switch AFT/SAFE'), category = {_('TGP')}},