Here are my thoughts on this matter so far: HOLY CRAP!!!
I set up an IL-78 up at 25K, where we used to plug in a lot with the Hornets. 350Kts was the airspeed chosen and that wound up being 270ish indicated. I couldn't get the tanker to answer me at first (251.00MHz), which was supposed to be the #1 preset in the #1 radio. It was actually 133.00MHz. So I went back into the ME and set both radio preset channel #1's to 251 and restarted the mission. I also made sure to have the volumes for both radios up all the way, not that that was the problem because even if you can't hear the response, it would be typed up on my screen. Anyway, I got good comms with the guy this time and was able to plug in on about the third stab. 2 Things: 1st, the whole key to getting plugged in is to develop a sight picture for where that basket should be in your peripheral vision for a good hookup. We saw this in Jabber's video. I tried his method and I don't think it helped me much and, truth be told, I probably got lucky on this first try. Practice, practice, and more practice is the key, just like before in the Hornet. 2nd, and y'all are going to love this one, I found the Harrier to be just as smooth as silk staying in position while taking fuel
I was like butter!
She is not the slightest bit twitchy or difficult to keep on station like the Mirage. The hardest part by far, is getting plugged in. After that it's a piece of pie! cake!
I have both my X and Y curves set to 10.